My name is Leonard Anthony, the Associate Pastor of Risen Christ Baptist Church. John K. Wynn is the Pastor.
Pastor Wynn is preparing to go on a much needed Sabbatical for needed rest and recovery. He has charged me to continue the preaching and teaching ministry in his absence.
We have begun an exciting and informative series of messages from the book of Luke. Luke was a doctor in his day and was also an historian. He was a companion of the Apostle and Missionary, Paul. Luke is responsible for writing the 3rd gospel book of the Bible that bears his name.
The subject of the series is "Looking at Jesus in Luke." Each Sunday we will see;
When I was younger, growing up in the church, I remember the Pastor many times referring to Jesus as the Lily of the Valley and the Bright and Morning Star. As I've gotten older, I have seen Him to be much more than those things- whatever they meant.
We used to sing songs like "I Have Decided to Follow Jesus", "What A Friend We Have in Jesus" and "I Must Tell Jesus". Then somebody said, "Who is Jesus?" Looking at Jesus in Luke gives us a chance to see how He, Himself answers that question. Luke, you see, went to people who were actually there and recorded their experiences as they observed Him and heard Him teach.
Also, each Sunday, we will give the time and location for the event we are about to study.
Older generations did not always have connections like we do today. They certainly did not have access to great volumes of information as readily as we do today. Many had education, some had degrees, some had money, and they knew how to work hard. Families were close and they loved each other. Most knew of and many believed in and followed this Jesus. To them, He made the difference. Well who is He?
Let me ask you. Is it really progress when we have so much and yet feel so unsafe, insecure, and unstable? Older generations knew something or rather someone. His name is Jesus. Together, let's look at Jesus in the book of Luke and find out who He is. Not just to bring stability to our society and community, but to bring the security that every soul needs!
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